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Everything posted by Maita

  1. The Most Important Differences: XHTML elements must be properly nested XHTML documents must be well-formed Tag names must be in lowercase All XHTML elements must be closed
  2. Maita

    Php Login

    hmm..sorry "color="#006600">" ievadiijaas automaatiski! bet prencipaa, extra veinkaarsh login!
  3. Maita

    Php Login

    <code><font color="#000000"> <font color="#0000CC"><? </font><font color="#006600">if (</font><font color="#CC0000">"$pass ='muu' "</font><font color="#006600">) { </font><font color="#0000CC">header </font><font color="#006600">(</font><font color="#CC0000">"location: [url=http://some.cool.admin.place.com]<font' target='_blank'>http://some.cool.admin.place.com"</font><font[/url] color="#006600">); </font><font color="#0000CC">end</font><font color="#006600">; } </font><font color="#0000CC">?></font> </font> </code> vai taads var izskatiities vienkaarsh login 1am user?
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