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Posts posted by 777

  1. man no kurienes zinat ko tu gribi ar PATH_INFO definet ... define("PATH_INFO", "tas ko tu gribi ar to definet");


  2. Bet par vaicājumu: izskatās, ka esi kaut kur ierakstījis: where news=latvia, bet jābūt where news="latvia" - atšķirība tajā, ka bez pēdiņām latvia tiek uztverta kā kolonnas nosaukums.


    Es visu pareizi uzrakstiju, vnk vajag tabulu news_cats un tur news_cat_id , news_cat_alias un tad ar JOIN izvilk (c.news_cat_id=a.news_cat)

    un viss, tad ja piemeram news_cat_id = 1 ( un tas ir latvia ) vinsh paradis visas zinjam kuras atrodas taja kategorija

  3. tapat neviens nerakstis, visiem savu problemu pietiek

    <form ... >
    <input name="username" value="">
    <input email="email" value="">
    <textarea name="message"></textarea>
    <input type="button" name="sbmt" value="Nosutit">
    // iznem un apstrada datus

    un pec tam ka jau teica andrisp, izmanto mail() f-ju lai nosutitu uz tavu email

  4. uhum, Aleksejem taisniba ./ - tai pasha direktorija , ../ viena direktorija uz augshu

    labakais variants ir protams



    un tad require_once(ROOT."ss/ql/setup.inc");

  5. skaties kur tev kljuda


    include('../../ss/ql/setup.inc'); // tev par daudz ../ tas jau nozime ka vinsh mekle C:\ diska to failu , un neatrod, jo vina tur nav ...



    index.php( kas atrodas pg un en mape )


  6. man tev ieteikums , samekle to failu kaut caur windows iebuveto search Ctrl+F kad esi desktopa ... un tad skaties kur ir tas cels pie ta faila ... un atmet visu kas iet liidz www vai htdocs dir ... talak, ja tev fails ir index.php kur atrodas galvenaja direktorija (www / htdocs ) bet fails ko tu inkludo atrodas kada cita ...

    require_once("/includes/setup.inc.php"); // par piemeru nemta mape includes, kura atrodas setup.inc.php

  7. Be An Executioner


    It's so funny when I hear people being so protective of ideas. (People who want me to sign an nda to tell me the simplest idea.)


    To me, ideas are worth nothing unless executed. They are just a multiplier. Execution is worth millions.




    * Awful idea = -1

    * Weak idea = 1

    * So-so idea = 5

    * Good idea = 10

    * Great idea = 15

    * Brilliant idea = 20


    * No execution = $1

    * Weak execution = $1000

    * So-so execution = $10,000

    * Good execution = $100,000

    * Great execution = $1,000,000

    * Brilliant execution = $10,000,000


    To make a business, you need to multiply the two.


    The most brilliant idea, with no execution, is worth $20. The most brilliant idea takes great execution to be worth $20,000,000.


    That's why I don't want to hear people's ideas. I'm not interested until I see their execution.

    —Derek Sivers, president and programmer, CD Baby and HostBaby


    varu tikai piekrist shim cilvekam ...

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