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Everything posted by Wuu

  1. Wuu

    Mysql query

    Skaidrīte vai neskaidrīte empty tapat jalieto tad viss ir ok... p.s. if (mysql_error()) {f(814,'center'); echo 'MySql Error:'.mysql_errno().':'. mysql_error(); f_(); } mysql_close ($link); šitas man stāv visu scriptu beigās visu laiku!
  2. Wuu

    Mysql query

    Blin ka lai jums iestāsta ERROR metas āra kad mysql neatgriež nekādus parametrus ,kad query neko neatrod jobcik! Skaidrīte? Lai tiktu gala ar to erroru visur jāizmanto empty pārbaude!
  3. Wuu

    Mysql query

    nav tur kļūdas kods strādā! Met āra kļūdu kad $result ir tukš! Un jūs ieteiktais ifs... Ja pirms tam pārbauda ar empty viss ir ok! if ($r = mysql_fetch_array($result))
  4. Wuu

    Mysql query

    comon php dod errorus visu laiku ,bes empty neiztikt! Warning: mysql_fetch_array(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /var/www/newweb/mapterrain.php on line 11 if ($r = mysql_fetch_array($result)) Rrrrr... lai butu viss ciki briki un vienu parametru dabūtu ārā kodam jaizkatās šādi! $result = mysql_query('select type from map where X = '.$_GET['x'].' && Y = '.$_GET['y'].' limit 1;'); if (!empty($result)){ $r = mysql_fetch_array($result); if (!empty($r[0])) { echo '<a href="#... } else { mysql_query('insert into map values('.$_GET['x'].','.$_GET['y'].', "ocean", null, 0);'); } } else { mysql_query('insert into map values('.$_GET['x'].','.$_GET['y'].', "ocean", null, 0);'); } Divreiz emty parbaude WTF!
  5. Wuu

    Mysql query

    scp loop [function web_market_transfer_items] db.query "select itemuid,buyuid from sphere_market where not isnull(buyuid)" for r 0 <eval <db.row.numrows>-1> if <db.row.numrows> uid.<db.row.<dlocal.r>.0>.cont = <uid.<db.row.<dlocal.r>.1>.findlayer.29.uid> uid.<db.row.<dlocal.r>.1>.sysmessage <uid.<db.row.<dlocal.r>.0>.name> delivered. endif end db.query "delete from sphere_market where not isnull(buyuid)" scp query 1 parametram db.query "select itemuid from sphere_market where not isnull(buyuid) limit 1" <db.row.0.0> un viss nekadu lieku figņu! :) <db.row.0.0> ir rezultāts!
  6. Wuu

    Mysql query

    Tas nozime ka tur jau ir parbaude isempty? Hmm.. ko tur prasit jaizmegina sadu panemienu nebiju redzejis... Tik un ta uzkatu ka php ir biki parmurgots es daudzam lietam redzu labakus coda risinajumus! p.s. nav garumzimes :D
  7. Wuu

    Mysql query

    mysql_query('use '.$db_name.';'); $result = mysql_query('select type from map where X = '.$_GET['x'].' && Y = '.$_GET['y'].' limit 1;'); $r = mysql_fetch_array($result); if (!empty($r[0])) { switch ($r[0]): case 'grass':echo '<a href="#" onclick="ajax_loadContent(\''.$_GET['x'].','.$_GET['y'].'\',\'mapterrain.php?x='.$_GET['x'].'&y='.$_GET['y'].'&flip=1\');return false"><img src=\'style/terrain/grass.gif\'></a>'; break; endswitch; } else { mysql_query('insert into map values('.$_GET['x'].','.$_GET['y'].', "grass", null, 0);'); } Kaut ka lietoju šitādus murgus man jau zb! Nav tur tanī php līdz galam kaut kas izdomāts! Ko man vajag ir apmēram šis $result = mysql_query('select type from map where X = '.$_GET['x'].' && Y = '.$_GET['y'].' limit 1;'); if type nav tukš { } Ka to izdarīt ātrākajā veidā ? Bez nekādiem mysql_fetch_array un citas šņagas! Un tā lai nebūtu errori notice un citas figņu! Kāpēc kaut kāda bernu spēļu serveri mysql ir uztaisīts normālā valodā ,bet php ir šitā liekā figņas... uhh ^_^
  8. Tiek meklēts ftp ~1gb hosts tīri failu glabāšanai un izplatīšanai... Varbūt kāds var padalīties? Visu laiku drauga lietoju pat domainu biju iepircis ērtākai lietošanai ,bet tas bieži nestrādā tāpēc jau apnicis varbūt kāds par lielu paldies var palīdzēt :/
  9. Man ir $x = 'banans'; $y = 'kukaregu bla bla bla banans'; Ka lai es parbaudu vai ieks $y ir $x ?
  10. Man staveja laiks 30 sekundes ,bet nekadu problemu! 4.3.0 Added support for the timeout parameter on win32. He varbut uz Linux pat tada parametra nav =/
  11. Zinu jau zinu! Bet tiesam nevareju iedomaties ka tur ta vaina =/ Vienkarshi uz Win taimaut strada ,bet uz linuxa sanak ka vinam nav nozimes...
  12. Tur jau ta lieta ka es pac to netisham iekeru... Nemaz nedomaju ka tam kada vaina scripts 5 rindas =/ fsockopen nevareja pieslegties un meginaja to darit 30 sec... ,pectam palaiz talak bez nekadiem erroriem =]
  13. Loti vienkarsi tas gan nav! fsockopen vainigs =/ Uz Win vins vienkarsi strada kaut ka savadak ,netisham uzkeru psc...
  14. izlasi no sakuma! Isteniba kods iet ,bet NEZELIGI LENI! Kaut kads murgs...
  15. <?php session_start(); include('html_functions.php'); include('admin/config.php'); $link = mysql_connect($db_host,$db_user,$db_pass); mysql_query('use '.$db_name.';'); if (!empty($result)) { while ($r = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { echo '<a href=\'?page=cat&id='.$r[0].'\'> <img src=\'style/bullet.png\' alt=\'*\'> '.$r[1].'</a><br>'; } } if (mysql_error()) {f(814,'center'); echo 'MySql Error:'.mysql_errno().':'. mysql_error(); f_(); } mysql_close ($link); ?> Ietesteju sadu codu un viss strada nav vainigs mysql ! Kas tur notiek nesaprotu ludzu help ! Un Linux viss strada =/ Viena vieta to xp...
  16. if ((strpos($pname, 'href') === false) && (strpos($ptext, 'href') === false) && (strpos($pname, 'http://') === false) && (strpos($ptext, 'http://') === false)) { if ($_SESSION['code'] == $code) { if ((!empty($_POST['name'])) && (!empty($_POST['text']))) { $pname = htmlspecialchars($_POST['name']); $ptext = htmlspecialchars($_POST['text']); $pname = mysql_real_escape_string($pname); $ptext = mysql_real_escape_string($ptext); mysql_query('insert into gtext values(0, NOW(),"'.$pname.'","'.$ptext.'");'); } else { $error = 'Pietrūkst ievades datu.'; } } else { $error = 'Kods nesakrīt.'; } } else { $error = 'Aizliegts ievadīt interneta adreses tekstā.'; } nestrāda neķer =/ wtf? Man visu laiku problēmas ar šitā salīdzinājuma formulām ,besī āra...
  17. Hmm iedomājos ļoti vienkāršu lietu ,bet kā la pārbauda vai postā ir tādi vārdi kā "href" "http"! Drīzāk kā būtu ātrākais variants?
  18. http://www.a-gallery.lv/index.php?page=guestbook Ka vini tiek cauri tam zimejuma codam? Un ka to izlabot =[
  19. Wuu


    Opa stulbums paldies!
  20. Wuu


    Pat google nepalīdz! 50 linija
  21. function f($width,$align) { echo " <table align='$align' border='0' width='$width' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0'> <tr> <td class='table-left-top'></td> <td class='table-top'></td> <td class='table-right-top'></td> </tr> Patik noslept html <tr> <td class='table-left'></td> <td class='table-bc'> ";} function f_() { echo " </td> <td class='table-right'></td> </tr> <tr> <td class='table-left-bottom'></td> <td class='table-bottom'></td> <td class='table-right-bottom'></td> </tr> </table> ";}
  22. Kas varetu but pa vainu? [Thu May 01 18:04:05 2008] [error] [client] PHP Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in D:\\Server\\http\\menu.php on line 1 [Thu May 01 18:04:33 2008] [error] [client] PHP Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in D:\\Server\\http\\login.php on line 2 [Thu May 01 18:06:48 2008] [error] [client] PHP Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in D:\\Server\\http\\menu.php on line 16 [Thu May 01 18:07:25 2008] [error] [client] PHP Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in D:\\Server\\http\\menu.php on line 16 [Thu May 01 18:08:28 2008] [error] [client] PHP Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in D:\\Server\\http\\menu.php on line 16 [Thu May 01 18:23:51 2008] [error] [client] PHP Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in D:\\Server\\http\\menu.php on line 16 [Thu May 01 21:18:02 2008] [error] [client] PHP Notice: Undefined variable: pageEcho in D:\\Server\\http\\news.php on line 37 [Thu May 01 21:19:08 2008] [error] [client] PHP Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in D:\\Server\\http\\index.php on line 3, referer: http://localhost/ [Thu May 01 21:19:08 2008] [error] [client] PHP Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in D:\\Server\\http\\index.php on line 3, referer: http://localhost/ Esmu shoka :) http://paste.php.lv/7281?lang=php kods :D Tur tak nav kam bremzet! Pietam phpmyadmin iet uz urra!
  23. Wuu

    Ķļūdas uz Win

    Sveiki mekleju atkal palidzibu! [Thu May 01 09:54:53 2008] [notice] Parent: Received restart signal -- Restarting the server. [Thu May 01 09:54:53 2008] [notice] Child 3776: Exit event signaled. Child process is ending. PHP Warning: PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library 'C:\\Program Files\\PHP\\ext\\php_mysql.dll' - The specified module could not be found.\r\n in Unknown on line 0 [Thu May 01 09:54:53 2008] [notice] Apache/2.2.8 (Win32) PHP/5.2.5 configured -- resuming normal operations [Thu May 01 09:54:53 2008] [notice] Server built: Jan 18 2008 00:37:19 [Thu May 01 09:54:53 2008] [notice] Parent: Created child process 800 PHP Warning: PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library 'C:\\Program Files\\PHP\\ext\\php_mysql.dll' - The specified module could not be found.\r\n in Unknown on line 0 [Thu May 01 09:54:53 2008] [notice] Child 800: Child process is running [Thu May 01 09:54:54 2008] [notice] Child 3776: Released the start mutex [Thu May 01 09:54:54 2008] [notice] Child 800: Acquired the start mutex. [Thu May 01 09:54:54 2008] [notice] Child 800: Starting 64 worker threads. [Thu May 01 09:54:55 2008] [notice] Child 3776: All worker threads have exited. [Thu May 01 09:54:55 2008] [notice] Child 3776: Child process is exiting [Thu May 01 09:54:55 2008] [notice] Child 800: Starting thread to listen on port 80. Ar extension_dir viss ok jo GD2 ieladejas bez problemam! Gribu MySql! http://img214.imageshack.us/img214/3909/49234638at5.jpg Atbilde ,dll fails bija japarvieto uz system32 direktoriju. Restart :D
  24. Iesakiet web veikala scriptu! Varbūt kāds ir uzracis kādu tiešam labu!
  25. http://a-gallery.lv Gribētos dzirdēt profesionāļu viedokli un kritiku! Flash galeriju neizvēlējos es ,bet pasūtītājs tā kā ir kā ir :)
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