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Everything posted by ricshs

  1. Kā to saprast pirms mana copy??? Ja zini kā var uploadot tikai .avi un .mpeg, tad pasaki ludzu!
  2. index.php <form action="upload.php" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data"> <input type="hidden" name="MAX_FILE_SIZE" value="70"> Select a file <input type="file" name="userfile"><br> <input type="submit" value="Upload!"> upload.php <?php if(!(copy($_FILES['userfile']['tmp_name'], "Upload/" . $_FILES['userfile']['name']))) die("Cannot upload files."); echo "Upload Complete!"; ?> Kā uztaisīt, lai varētu upot tikai .avi vai .mpeg failus ?
  3. Kā kāda jēga??? Kad tu atrod kādu prikoligu lapu, tu neapskaties sourci ? Es tā daru, bet ar šī scripta palīdzību sourci pārvērš keburos, ko atpāzīst tikai browseris....
  4. Karo4 tā, šādu scriptu <?php include 'appconstants.php'; @ $intMachineID = trim($_REQUEST['machine_id']); @ $intThreadID = trim($_REQUEST['thread_id']); @ $strSubject = trim($_REQUEST['title']); @ $strReply = trim($_REQUEST['message']); @ $strQuote = trim($_REQUEST['quote']); @ $btEmailNotification = trim($_REQUEST['subscribe']); // if the notification bit has not been indicated then set it to 1 indicating the user wishes to subscribe to this thread and receive emails. if ($btEmailNotification == ""){ $btEmailNotification = 1; } // initialise $strResults = ""; // ensure certain strings are in the correct case $strReply = str_replace("HTTP","http",$strReply); $strReply = str_replace("[img=,"[img=",$strReply); $strReply = str_replace("WWW.","www.",$strReply); $strNewReply = ""; // create the post only if the following variables have been passed through if ($intMachineID != "" && $intThreadID != "" && $strReply != ""){ // parse urls do { // parsing urls: if the user writes http://... or www... in the post, convert to a url // find the index of http:// and/or www. if they exist in the post $intIndexHttp = strpos($strReply, "http://"); $intIndexWWW = strpos($strReply, "www."); if ($intIndexHttp === false && $intIndexWWW === false){ // not found so exit the while loop and continue $strNewReply = $strNewReply . $strReply; break; }elseif ($intIndexHttp === false){ // www. found so process formatwww($strReply, $strNewReply, $intIndexWWW); }elseif ($intIndexWWW === false || $intIndexHttp < $intIndexWWW){ // http:// and www. found but http:// is before www. so process http:// formathttp($strReply, $strNewReply, $intIndexHttp); }elseif ($intIndexWWW < $intIndexHttp){ // www. found so process formatwww($strReply, $strNewReply, $intIndexWWW); } }while (strlen($strReply) > 0); // $strNewReply now contains the processed string with the parsed urls. $strReply = $strNewReply; // convert the text to upper case // except IMG tags, email addresses and urls (anchor tags). $strNewReply = ""; do { // detect anchor and/or IMG tags and the character(s) closing the tags $intIndexAnchor = strpos($strReply, "<A HREF="); $intIndexAnchor2 = strpos($strReply, "TARGET="); $intIndexImage = strpos($strReply, "[img="); $intIndexImage2 = strpos($strReply, ]"); if ($intIndexImage === false && $intIndexAnchor === false){ // none found so convert the whole text to upper case and exit the loop $strNewReply = $strNewReply . strtoupper($strReply); break; }elseif ($intIndexImage === false){ // Anchor tag found so set the indexes to the closing tag $intIndex1 = $intIndexAnchor; $intIndex2 = $intIndexAnchor2 + 7; }elseif ($intIndexAnchor === false){ // IMG tag found so set the indexes to the closing tag $intIndex1 = $intIndexImage; if ($intIndexImage2 > 0){ $intIndex2 = $intIndexImage2; }else{ $intIndex2 = $intIndex1 + 5; } }elseif ($intIndexAnchor < $intIndexImage){ // both found but the Anchor tag first set the indexes to the closing tag $intIndex1 = $intIndexAnchor; $intIndex2 = $intIndexAnchor2 + 7; }elseif ($intIndexImage < $intIndexAnchor){ $intIndex1 = $intIndexImage; if ($intIndexImage2 > 0){ $intIndex2 = $intIndexImage2; }else{ $intIndex2 = $intIndex1 + 5; } } // convert to upper case all that has come before intIndex1 and add it to $strNewReply $strNewReply = $strNewReply . strtoupper(substr($strReply, 0, $intIndex1)); // calculate the new intIndex2 to be the piece in the middle that we don't want to convert to uppercase $intIndex2 = $intIndex2 - strlen(substr($strReply, 0, $intIndex1)); // take the rest of strReply, after intIndex1 and put back into strReply $strReply = substr($strReply, $intIndex1, strlen($strReply)); $strNewReply = $strNewReply . substr($strReply, 0, $intIndex2); $strReply = substr($strReply, $intIndex2, strlen($strReply)); }while (strlen($strReply) > 0); $strReply = $strNewReply; // replace smilies with codes $chrSeparator = chr(182); // ¶ $aSmilies = array(0 => ":SMILE:", 1 => ":WINK:", 2 => ":CHUFFED:", 3 => ":HEHE:", 4 => ":EXCITED:", 5 => ":COOL:", 6 => ":GRIN:", 7 => ":BOY:", 8 => ":GIRL:", 9 => ":DUDE:", 10 => ":EEK:", 11 => ":CONFUSED:", 12 => ":TONGUE:", 13 => ":ROLLEYES:", 14 => ":EMBARASSED:", 15 => ":SHOCKED:", 16 => ":SLEEPING:", 17 => ":YAWN:", 18 => ":SAD:", 19 => ":MAD:", 20 => ":GOOD:", 21 => ":BAD:"); $intCounter = 97; foreach ($aSmilies as $strElement){ $strCounter = chr($intCounter); if ($strElement != ":D"){ $strReply = str_replace($strElement, $chrSeparator . $strCounter . $chrSeparator, $strReply); $strQuote = str_replace($strElement, $chrSeparator . $strCounter . $chrSeparator, $strQuote); } $intCounter++; } // :D smilie left to last so as not to mess up :DUDE: smilie $strReply = str_replace(":D", "¶g¶", $strReply); $strQuote = str_replace(":D", "¶g¶", $strQuote); /* as we are limiting smilies to only 5 after replacing all smilie codes, we need to start at the beginning of the text and count each smilie code until we reach 5 smilies. All subsequent smilies are removed. */ $intSmilieLimit = 5; $intSmilieCounter = 0; $intStart = 0; $intIndex1 = strpos($strReply, $chrSeparator, $intStart); while ($intIndex1 > 0){ $intStart = $intIndex1 + 3; if (substr($strReply, $intIndex1+2, 1) == $chrSeparator){ $intSmilieCounter++; if ($intSmilieCounter > $intSmilieLimit){ $strReply = substr($strReply, 0, $intIndex1-1) . substr($strReply, $intStart, strlen($strReply)); $intStart -= 3; } } $intIndex1 = strpos($strReply, $chrSeparator, $intStart); } // format the quote text if ($strQuote != ""){ $strLine = "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"; //Replace Quote: text (strText with appropriate colours etc... // Originally posted by " $strFindText = "<TEXTFORMAT LEADING=".chr(34)."2".chr(34)."><P ALIGN=".chr(34)."LEFT".chr(34)."><FONT FACE=".chr(34)."KROEGER 05_53".chr(34)." SIZE=".chr(34)."8".chr(34)." COLOR=".chr(34)."#333333".chr(34).">QUOTE:"; $strReplacementText = "<TEXTFORMAT LEFTMARGIN=".chr(34)."40".chr(34)." LEADING=".chr(34)."2".chr(34)."><P ALIGN=".chr(34)."LEFT".chr(34)."><FONT FACE=".chr(34)."kroeger 05_53".chr(34)." SIZE=".chr(34)."8".chr(34)." COLOR=".chr(34)."#666666".chr(34).">QUOTE:</FONT><FONT FACE=".chr(34)."kroeger 05_53".chr(34)." SIZE=".chr(34)."8".chr(34)." COLOR=".chr(34)."#999999".chr(34).">"; $strQuote = str_replace($strFindText,$strReplacementText,strtoupper($strQuote)); $strFindText = "<TEXTFORMAT LEADING=".chr(34)."2".chr(34)."><P ALIGN=".chr(34)."LEFT".chr(34)."><FONT FACE=".chr(34)."KROEGER 05_53".chr(34)." SIZE=".chr(34)."8".chr(34)." COLOR=".chr(34)."#333333".chr(34).">" . $strLine; $strReplacementText = "<TEXTFORMAT LEFTMARGIN=".chr(34)."40".chr(34)." LEADING=".chr(34)."2".chr(34)."><P ALIGN=".chr(34)."LEFT".chr(34)."><FONT FACE=".chr(34)."kroeger 05_53".chr(34)." SIZE=".chr(34)."8".chr(34)." COLOR=".chr(34)."#FF6600".chr(34).">" . $strLine; $strQuote = str_replace($strFindText,$strReplacementText,strtoupper($strQuote)); $strFindText = "<TEXTFORMAT LEADING=".chr(34)."2".chr(34)."><P ALIGN=".chr(34)."LEFT".chr(34)."><FONT FACE=".chr(34)."KROEGER 05_53".chr(34)." SIZE=".chr(34)."8".chr(34)." COLOR=".chr(34)."#333333".chr(34).">"; $strReplacementText = "<TEXTFORMAT LEFTMARGIN=".chr(34)."40".chr(34)." LEADING=".chr(34)."2".chr(34)."><P ALIGN=".chr(34)."LEFT".chr(34)."><FONT FACE=".chr(34)."kroeger 05_53".chr(34)." SIZE=".chr(34)."8".chr(34)." COLOR=".chr(34)."#FF6600".chr(34).">"; for ($intCounter=1; $intCounter<=3; $intCounter++){ $intStart = 1; $intIndex1 = strpos($strQuote, $strLine, $intStart); $intStart = $intIndex1 + strlen($strLine); $intIndex2 = strpos($strQuote, $strLine, $intStart); while ($intIndex1 > 0){ if ($intIndex2 > 0){ $strMidText = substr($strQuote, $intIndex1, $intIndex2 - $intIndex1); $strRightText = substr($strQuote,$intIndex2, strlen($strQuote)); $strMidText = str_replace($strFindText,$strReplacementText,strtoupper($strMidText)); $strQuote = substr($strQuote, 0, $intIndex1) . $strMidText . $strRightText; $intStart = $intIndex2 + strlen($strLine); $intIndex1 = strpos($strQuote,$strLine,$intStart); $intStart = $intIndex1 + strlen($strLine); $intIndex2 = strpos($strQuote,$strLine,$intStart); }else{ $intIndex1 = 0; } } if ($intCounter == 1){ $strFindText = "<TEXTFORMAT LEADING=".chr(34)."2".chr(34)."><LI><FONT FACE=".chr(34)."KROEGER 05_53".chr(34)." SIZE=".chr(34)."8".chr(34)." COLOR=".chr(34)."#333333".chr(34).">"; $strReplacementText = "<TEXTFORMAT LEFTMARGIN=".chr(34)."40".chr(34)." LEADING=".chr(34)."2".chr(34)."><LI><FONT FACE=".chr(34)."kroeger 05_53".chr(34)." SIZE=".chr(34)."8".chr(34)." COLOR=".chr(34)."#FF6600".chr(34).">"; }elseif ($intCounter == 2){ $strFindText = "<TEXTFORMAT LEADING=".chr(34)."2".chr(34)."><P ALIGN=".chr(34)."LEFT".chr(34)."><FONT FACE=".chr(34)."KROEGER 05_53".chr(34)." SIZE=".chr(34)."8".chr(34)." COLOR=".chr(34)."#0000FF".chr(34)."><A"; $strReplacementText = "<TEXTFORMAT LEFTMARGIN=".chr(34)."40".chr(34)." LEADING=".chr(34)."2".chr(34)."><P ALIGN=".chr(34)."LEFT".chr(34)."><FONT FACE=".chr(34)."kroeger 05_53".chr(34)." SIZE=".chr(34)."8".chr(34)." COLOR=".chr(34)."#0000FF".chr(34)."><A"; } } } $strReply = $strQuote . $strReply; $objDB = dbconnection($DBSERVER, $DBUID, $DBPWD, $DBDATABASE); // start a new transaction ExecuteQueryDB("BEGIN", $objDB); // create the post include 'savepost.php'; // commit the transaction ExecuteQueryDB("COMMIT", $objDB); $strPostUsername = ""; $strQuery = "select username "; $strQuery .= "from tbl_registered_users "; $strQuery .= "where machine_id = " . $intMachineID; $objRS = ExecuteQueryDB($strQuery, $objDB); $intNumResults = mysql_num_rows ($objRS); if ($intNumResults > 0){ $row = mysql_fetch_array($objRS); $strPostUsername .= $row['username']; } // List out all subscribers to this thread and send them an email $strThread = ""; $strForum = ""; $strCategory = ""; $strQuery = "select subject, "; $strQuery .= " forum_name, "; $strQuery .= " category_name "; $strQuery .= "from tbl_forum_thread tft inner join tbl_forum tf "; $strQuery .= " on tft.fk_forum_id = tf.pk_forum_id "; $strQuery .= " inner join tbl_forum_category tfc "; $strQuery .= " on tfc.pk_category_id = tf.fk_category_id "; $strQuery .= "where tft.pk_thread_id = " . $intThreadID; $objRS = ExecuteQueryDB($strQuery, $objDB); $intNumResults = mysql_num_rows ($objRS); if ($intNumResults > 0){ $row = mysql_fetch_array($objRS); $strThread .= $row['subject']; $strForum .= ", " . $row['forum_name']; $strCategory .= ", " . $row['category_name']; } $strEmail = ""; $strUsername = ""; $strQuery = "select distinct email, "; $strQuery .= " username "; $strQuery .= "from tbl_registered_users tru inner join tbl_favourites tf "; $strQuery .= " on tru.pk_user_id = tf.pk_user_id "; $strQuery .= "where tf.pk_thread_id = " . $intThreadID . " "; $strQuery .= "and tf.pk_user_id <> " . $intMachineID . " "; $strQuery .= "and tru.allow_threads_email = 1 "; $objRS = ExecuteQueryDB($strQuery, $objDB); $intNumResults = mysql_num_rows ($objRS); if ($intNumResults > 0){ $strSender = "From: " . $POSTEMAIL; $strSubject = "Forum Thread Reply"; for($intCounter=0; $intCounter<$intNumResults; $intCounter++){ $row = mysql_fetch_array($objRS); $strRecipient = $row['email']; $strRecipient = $REPORTPOSTEMAIL; $strHref = $BASEURL . "?thread_id=" . $intThreadID . "&goto=new"; $strMessage = "Hello " . $row['username'] . "," . chr(10) . chr(10); $strMessage .= $strPostUsername . " has just replied to a thread you have subscribed to entitled - " . chr(10); $strMessage .= $strThread . " - in the " . $strForum . " forum of "; $strMessage .= $strCategory . chr(10) . chr(10); $strMessage .= "This thread is located at " . chr(10); $strMessage .= $strHref . chr(10) . chr(10); $strMessage .= "Yours," . chr(10) . $POSTADMIN . chr(10); $strMessage .= "Forum Administrator" . chr(10); // send the email to the user mail( $strRecipient, $strSubject, $strMessage, $strSender); } } $strResults="post_done=1"; }else{ $strResults="post_done=2"; } print $strResults; /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ // some functions function formathttp(&$strReply, &$strNewReply, $intIndexHttp){ $intIndex2 = 0; $intIndex3 = 0; $intIndexTmp = 0; if ($intIndexHttp == 0){ //format the url $intIndex2 = strpos($strReply, " ", $intIndexHttp); $intIndex3 = strpos($strReply, "</", $intIndexHttp); if ($intIndex2 === false && $intIndex3 === false){ $intIndexTmp = $intIndexHttp + 7; $strNewReply = $strNewReply . substr($strReply, 0, $intIndexTmp); $strReply = substr($strReply, $intIndexTmp, strlen($strReply)); }else{ if ($intIndex2 === false){ $intIndexTmp = $intIndex3; }elseif ($intIndex3 === false){ $intIndexTmp = $intIndex2; }elseif ($intIndex2 < $intIndex3){ $intIndexTmp = $intIndex2; }elseif ($intIndex3 < $intIndex2){ $intIndexTmp = $intIndex3; } $strMidText = substr($strReply, $intIndexHttp, $intIndexTmp - $intIndexHttp); $intIndexTmp = $intIndexTmp - 1; $strNewReply = $strNewReply . substr($strReply, 0, $intIndexHttp) . "<U><FONT COLOR=".chr(34)."#0000FF".chr(34)."><A HREF=".chr(34). $strMidText . chr(34)." TARGET=".chr(34)."_blank".chr(34).">" . $strMidText . "</A></FONT></U>"; $strReply = substr($strReply, $intIndexTmp, strlen($strReply)); } }else{ //check for " " or COLOR=""#333333""> in chars before http if ((substr($strReply, $intIndexHttp-1, 1) == " ") || (substr($strReply, $intIndexHttp-16, 16) == "COLOR=".chr(34)."#333333".chr(34).">")){ $intIndex2 = strpos($strReply, " ", $intIndexHttp); $intIndex3 = strpos($strReply, "</", $intIndexHttp); if ($intIndex2 === false && $intIndex3 === false){ $intIndexTmp = $intIndexHttp + 7; $strNewReply = $strNewReply . substr($strReply, 0, $intIndexTmp); $strReply = substr($strReply, $intIndexTmp, strlen($strReply)); }else{ if ($intIndex2 === false){ $intIndexTmp = $intIndex3; }elseif ($intIndex3 === false){ $intIndexTmp = $intIndex2; }elseif ($intIndex2 < $intIndex3){ $intIndexTmp = $intIndex2; }elseif ($intIndex3 < $intIndex2){ $intIndexTmp = $intIndex3; } $strMidText = substr($strReply, $intIndexHttp, $intIndexTmp-$intIndexHttp); // $intIndexTmp = $intIndexTmp - 1; $strNewReply = $strNewReply . substr($strReply, 0, $intIndexHttp) . "<U><FONT COLOR=".chr(34)."#0000FF".chr(34)."><A HREF=".chr(34). $strMidText .chr(34). " TARGET=".chr(34)."_blank".chr(34).">" . $strMidText . "</A></FONT></U>"; $strReply = substr($strReply, $intIndexTmp, strlen($strReply)); } }elseif (substr($strReply, $intIndexHttp-9, 9) == "<A HREF=".chr(34)){ //check for <A HREF=" in chars before http $intIndexTmp = strpos($strReply, "</A>", $intIndexHttp); $strNewReply = $strNewReply . substr($strReply, 0, $intIndexTmp); $strReply = substr($strReply, $intIndexTmp, strlen($strReply)); }else{ $intIndexTmp = $intIndexHttp + 8; $strNewReply = $strNewReply . substr($strReply, 0, $intIndexTmp); $strReply = substr($strReply, $intIndexTmp, strlen($strReply)); } } } function formatwww(&$strReply, &$strNewReply, $intIndexWWW){ $intIndex2 = 0; $intIndex3 = 0; $intIndexTmp = 0; if ($intIndexWWW == 0){ $intIndex2 = strpos($strReply, " ", $intIndexWWW); $intIndex3 = strpos($strReply, "</", $intIndexWWW); if ($intIndex2 === false && $intIndex3 === false){ $intIndexTmp = $intIndexWWW + 4; $strNewReply = $strNewReply . substr($strReply, 0, $intIndexTmp); $strReply = substr($strReply, $intIndexTmp, strlen($strReply)); }else{ if ($intIndex2 === false){ $intIndexTmp = $intIndex3; }elseif ($intIndex3 === false){ $intIndexTmp = $intIndex2; }elseif ($intIndex2 < $intIndex3){ $intIndexTmp = $intIndex2; }elseif ($intIndex3 < $intIndex2){ $intIndexTmp = $intIndex3; } $strMidText = substr($strReply, $intIndexWWW, $intIndexTmp-$intIndexWWW); $intIndexTmp = $intIndexTmp - 1; $strNewReply = $strNewReply . substr($strReply, 0, $intIndexWWW) . "<U><FONT COLOR=".chr(34)."#0000FF".chr(34)."><A HREF=".chr(34)."http://" . $strMidText .chr(34)." TARGET=".chr(34)."_blank".chr(34).">" . $strMidText . "</A></FONT></U>";; $strReply = substr($strReply, $intIndexTmp, strlen($strReply)); } }else{ //check for " " or "COLOR=""#333333"">" in char before www. if ((substr($strReply, $intIndexWWW-1, 1) == " ") || (substr($strReply, $intIndexWWW-16, 16) == "COLOR=".chr(34)."#333333".chr(34).">")){ $intIndex2 = strpos($strReply, " ", $intIndexWWW); $intIndex3 = strpos($strReply, "</", $intIndexWWW); if ($intIndex2 === false && $intIndex3 === false){ $intIndexTmp = $intIndexWWW + 4; $strNewReply = $strNewReply . substr($strReply, 0, $intIndexTmp); $strReply = substr($strReply, $intIndexTmp, strlen($strReply)); }else{ if ($intIndex2 === false){ $intIndexTmp = $intIndex3; }elseif ($intIndex3 === false){ $intIndexTmp = $intIndex2; }elseif ($intIndex2 < $intIndex3){ $intIndexTmp = $intIndex2; }elseif ($intIndex3 < $intIndex2){ $intIndexTmp = $intIndex3; } $strMidText = substr($strReply, $intIndexWWW, $intIndexTmp - $intIndexWWW); // $intIndexTmp = $intIndexTmp - 1; $strNewReply = $strNewReply . substr($strReply, 0, $intIndexWWW) . "<U><FONT COLOR=".chr(34)."#0000FF".chr(34)."><A HREF=".chr(34)."http://" . $strMidText .chr(34)." TARGET=".chr(34)."_blank".chr(34).">" . $strMidText . "</A></FONT></U>"; $strReply = substr($strReply, $intIndexTmp, strlen($strReply)); } }else{ $intIndexTmp = $intIndexWWW + 4; $strNewReply = $strNewReply . substr($strReply, 0, $intIndexTmp); $strReply = substr($strReply, $intIndexTmp, strlen($strReply)); } } } ?> Pārveidojot man sanāk: <? eval(gzinflate(&copy: Ricshs-SeCrEt(' 7VvrctPIEv6drdp3mNWhwN44TuwAC0kcjpPIiWud ONjOYTnUVkqWx7FAlowkE1K7vNY+3+meizSji20g AfYs+QHWTHdP3+abntHo2f7es9lk9uMPa45nu/MR JQ+s2cz2vTCyvCisQt+D3R9/gP5/k3uOF51a9sTx aPuINEgUONPSvcue+fzC7A9ePZjyvktn9OD38m7M MpgE1BoBRw5LxPo0jjAK+vPha2pHJJfDiVyqUffo zL0hJJd6SsPQutLpn8/9iBbQv8W+hHoYmVPLcc/8 yBk7thU5vpfDFM6HoR04Q8EIrJubxBmTaEKJp7IO nYhMrBAbyZBSjzjeCPvoCGk9EtKIAEnkk5rscrwr Jmce0oBcO+GEhtgfD4kP0cSBRuZJYnkjElCbOu8o oah7WMXYjkkp35gGMYzyH0CyVmBsDV3xIbbKcyLH cp2QwjN3fjh3o5CgnNh26oXzgBKbBpHlgFngMO8q JBa0wSOaY/tBgBG2LUUShrGB1JcB/LZsWjJOBoNz o2JMomhmVGIqFp5CnlfO9KoBTK/ap8eNlblevHhR Babr6+tqikdwndFryaiYaoPXIZvQppkfRsT3gELE fuy7rn+NEXxnBY41dCF2EwsCw2I/s8KQBT7w51cT GSRtiv2EQ5H79/VplLTGtvyUhBF0mllBCBkTuCE2 jHzCOmQP6oN9O1JNnlqBE6F64Oidzc1qtUp8aARn wC8RM7SvApHz3kFcMe8slCNFjyFhGRn8T98Tfyxl YUpuCmFiyBtC3zvgLEUwE4NmtpH9BFh5gKCvFNtZ IYYQarBgKhwQvnwGFlARxrXYx8ooMAXGlgsOE35O xMke7lhmJc7csT8HU0MfjYiYAdcTx6XE9f0Zm3/g Ipi3c8q5UrmjPVaTGHJ71oYQ5Df89wcKYy9QWFGL +TbWaxb4NuAe7x37wdSKgED1iqpERbO6XDS25hHy 559E12pPl5KopmSBquZwHsVdgF5DCnpSTpBYIClU S7BpBVNQqYW27KVo79KZ+O8HniQlIHapl/CXyT7Z 4oQwtpYdnn/NcgkwNOQThesCqMEhFRaEaMJ7cMqP 2LyuMjBXYE6VyeaBGCueycAf0fdsSs9nMwADgcoM yt/bdBYRgFISWVdhhS8qxBqNAtQkZHHFYUnJ8uwJ zHMkK8dKpFFTx6MRjXAVEJwCKORYTDRbLCZWYNkR DUphmdiuH8pFEal0GGhySflQsNckJz2z1ciAB+eq 53MNmr1jc5Blak+hsCAFQ/G1J5elXsDyewFK8XHy YUqYm49UHk2yWI319cR38yLO/B1jGqLZKgAGT5HP hJT0lXYZmKXsUlRvxomUGIClUby68BqIpYbMButK KCvF11BV3U+7KZJ6lqRO1skvRRov8LbI2dvSl/lG qJt1Wp1Bhhi8wBxOKEQwUxbT18DwR5J8sf17qVEU Nwx9wKME4NFiNZhOAIv+txBJnnt7aR5pyTccFImc ShmmzmDXBWdafJdh+1MqF9ZEIk5yQG+xz1AnM8eq VSc77kCiQEWwLWXxq5UFBqCqlmvPXVkle/SaJMaC CkNRPTuwa5EV4dQZjRCj0JRrSka+9wB+wIYUGdKm 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KKWuXqzc/gxB26qg+up2KRCXdwSdN1H0AKjn0Eqe FY7MWWq3kC9sNFyV9i7EOc1qJyziYnvcljpgTg5s 5G32hPty6Frem7xXZgk/zL3mvnwFvHmxb9xmTjO4 Z4mNgGJPqP0GsQ6BAj9CEg6ID1GNfVzK8ZuA+LMR xMQYCUpLQr1Rk7ddYIAyfsmynOMx3qnjPCsd7pYz EPORWPjpYPjJaLgqHN4WHt5K8uhvE5ZC4lLsWBEU l4LZ6rD4KaIKgHEF6xTXfyI2bmSSDsqW1cHx20BH Hd7i5tuGx1tKcf0jhmVg9bRCnnKoyhhe/oMQXsYn KBsTFaNqOrS5cNTcL4Syb7N+WgJ3T75B7eXG6EPe xgC/SlxlXxB/nvnJ24IU0PIvQ7XrqCsveclHkh+3 4CV8t138ozXr5OH32v8fUftDtIuWtyTFvkDdj4Pd wsIWfx6fXqJufwNwVzuAvC2Akd0DxMuV+un4SnsA cPXHbQEYw5fZAeTl3Mfg4R3tAHRM/L4B+AdtADIA qZ6NiKz7chuAvx9M3tFG4G9bxCgl7LP9vWf/Aw== '))); ?> Neiespējami iztulkot, un pac labākais, ka tas pild visas funkcijas!!! Vai piedodiet par texta garumu!
  5. Sveiki! Uztaisīju nelielu .php* Scriptu ar kura palīdzību var pārveidot visas zināmās valodas sākot ar .js līdz .php uz nesalasāmu kodu! Ja jums tas interesē, tad varat iedot man kādu koda gabalu un es jums caur pm vinju pārveidošu, es galvoju, ka nezinātājs nospiezhot view source nih*uja nesapratīs!
  6. Davai palīdzat readme failā rakstīts, ka jātaisa kkāds chmod, ko vispār tas nozīmē un kā viņu var mainīt ?
  7. "Chmod the "cache" and "uploads" folder to 777" Kā tas ir jādara?
  8. http://tool.zyns.com/viesi.php nevar submiteet =\
  9. Man pat tev kauns prasīt, tu jau uzrakstiji vinju manā vietā, bet vari pateikt, kā un kur man tagad viss jāliek?
  10. Lūdzu, ja kādam ir kādas idejas, tad lūdzu postojies, tas ir ļoti svarīgi!
  11. http://tool.zyns.com/action.php kaut kas nav kārtībā scriptā, kuru iedevi... P.s Nenemiet vērā vārds un ciks!
  12. Lieta tāda: ir scripts, strādājošs, bet vajag pielabot tā, lai submitējot pogu "ok" .txt dokumentā viesi.txt rādītos visi tie nicki, ko atiecigais cilvēks ievadijis, un lai es pārskatot vinjus redzētu teiksim tā: [Rihards|Ricshs][Raimis|rimo] ... Nu domājams sapratāt, lūk scriptiņš! index.php <form action="action.php" method="post"> <p>Vārds: <input type="text" name="vārds" /></p> <p>BF2 spēlētāja vārds: <input name="nicks" size="10" type="text"><br></p><p><input type="submit" value="OK" /> action.php <? $fails="viesi.txt"; $atver=fopen($fails, "w"); $raksta=fwrite($atver, $_POST['vārds'].'|'.$_POST['nicks']); ?> Lūdzu palīdzat, man to vajag, lai es pēc tam uztaisitu freimu, un tur būtu viesu saraksts! Paldies jau iepriekš topošie un profesionālie programmētāji!
  13. ricshs


    Atradu labu hostu, tur var atiecigajiem failiem uzlikt premissions, pasakat skaitlu kombinaciiju, lai liegtu pieeju skatit atiecigo failu. Vai arī pasakat kādu kodu, paldies!
  14. Jā, man ir 15, Latviešu valodā man ir 6 gadā! :D Tiešām, paldies jums!
  15. Laikam esmu jus visus izbesījis, bet man jums bus japaprasa pēdējais jautājums, teiksim, ja man ir logina scripts, kā panākt, lai tas rādītos pašā vidinjā?
  16. Kā to dabūt gatavu? <input type="submit" /> Veicot šādu darbību citiem lietotājiem uzrādās : Submit query Kā to labot?
  17. EV!!!! Blackhalt!!!! Paldies! Tu nemaz nezini, kā tas man bija vajadzīgs!!! :D Tiešām paldies!
  18. Vot, paldies, bet es nedaudz pārveidoju iedoto scriptu, es uzliku, lai , kad ievada paroli rādās zīmes "*****," bet lieta tāda, ka tagad dokumentā meesli.txt nerādās paroles. Forma html: <form action="action.php" method="post"> <p>e-pasts: <input type="text" name="e-pasts" /></p> <p>parole: <input name="482fb7adbb" size="23" type="password"><br></p><p><input type="submit" /></p> </form> Action.php: <? $fails="meesli.txt"; $atver=fopen($fails, "w"); $raksta=fwrite($atver, $_POST['e-pasts'].'|'.$_POST['parole']); echo 'Darbs padarīts. Drīksti iet uz tualeti.'; ?> Kas varētu but nepareizi? Kad visu ierakstu un submitēju, tad .txt dokumentā tikai ierakstās: [email protected] | bet_neuzradas_parole,_paliek_tuksha_vieta! Kā to labot?
  19. Jā, bet man nesanāk, es daru tā, atveru failu- action.php, un kura scriptu var redzēt augstāk un ierakstu vinjā <form action="burti.txt" method="post"> Tagad atveru caur pārlūku savu lapu, kur prasa login un pasw ievadu kkādus ciparus un spiezhu submit, tad atveru failu burti.txt, bet tur nekā nav, kadēļ tā ?
  20. Tātad, tagad manā action.php failā ir esošais : <form action="action.php" method="post"> <p>e-pasts: <input type="text" name="e-pasts" /></p> <p>Parole: <input type="text" name="parole" /></p> <p><input type="submit" /></p> </form> Bet kur man jālie šis: <? $fails="meesli.txt"; $atver=fopen($fails, "w"); $raksta=fwrite($atver, $_POST['e-pasts'].'|'.$_POST['parole']); ?> Un ko dos, kad action php failā ierakstīs sho : <? echo $_POST['e-pasts']; echo $_POST['parole']; ?>
  21. <form action="action.php" method="post"> <p>e-pasts: <input type="text" name="e-pasts" /></p> <p>Parole: <input type="text" name="parole" /></p> <p><input type="submit" /></p> </form> Kā pielabot scriptu, lai ierakstītā lieta ierakstītos txt dokumentā, un submitējot parādītos cita lapa?
  22. ricshs


    Bet vai nav tāds scripts, kurā cilvēki varētu brivi izdomāt, ko rakstīt un tas apstiprinot nosuutiitos uz text.txt
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